Quaderni dell'Istituto Liszt Visualizza ingrandito

Antonio Sampieri: una vita per la musica

Autore Annarosa Vannoni
Curatela Rossana Dalmonte
Collana Quaderni dell'Istituto Liszt
N. 19
Dimensioni 15×21, pp. 150 (109-131)
Anno 2019
ISBN 9788855430104

The essay takes into consideration a manuscript of a short romance for voice and piano, written by the composer Antonio Sampieri, from Bologna. It has been recently acquired by the Fondazione Istituto Liszt. In the first part, even if the sources
are really few, the musician’s biography has been reconstructed. Nobody has so far conducted a research about him, although his musical life was really active. Particular consideration has been given to his controversial aggregation to the Bologna Accademia Filarmonica, along with the reconstruction of his catalogue. It contains the scores which are preserved in the Accademia’s library, donated by the composer himself.
The second part analyses the manuscript both from a bibliographical point of view and from a musical aspect. After a short score analysis, the music is compared with a Sampieri publication with the same title but with a different content. There are also some considerations about the romance and its compositional style at Sampieri’s time, in order to better contextualise the score.

Keywords: Antonio Sampieri, Italian musical romance, Bologna Accademia Filarmonica