A many-sided musician: the life of Francesco Barsanti (c.1690–1775) revisited Visualizza ingrandito

A many-sided musician: the life of Francesco Barsanti (c.1690–1775) revisited

Autore Jasmin Cameron – Michael Talbot
Collana Recercare - Rivista per lo studio e la pratica della musica antica - Journal for the study and practice of early music
Dimensioni 17×24, pp. 186
Anno 2014
ISBN 9788870967760

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Much of Francesco Maria Barsanti’s music is known and admired today, but generally only in isolated fragments: the sonatas for wind instruments; the concerti grossi with horns and timpani; the motets; the arrangements of Scottish national airs. By comparison, the biographical picture is more unified, thanks to an account by Sir John Hawkins (1776), which appears to be based on information supplied by the composer himself — but not necessarily perfectly remembered or transmitted with total accuracy. Most accounts since Hawkins have added little reliable new information, but some important steps forward have been made, notably in biographical articles by Walter Bergmann (1961) and Ian G. Sharman (1989). The present article aims to continue that process.