Quaderni dell'Istituto Liszt Visualizza ingrandito

Continuità strutturale nelle Consolations di Franz Liszt

Autore Marco Stassi
Curatela Rossana Dalmonte
Collana Quaderni dell'Istituto Liszt
N. 19
Dimensioni 15×21, pp. 150 (11-62)
Anno 2019
ISBN 9788855430104

The present paper deals with analytical and compositional questions in order to try to test if the six Consolations S172 by Liszt could constitute a unified corpus.
The analysis is based on Schenkerian and neo-Riemannian procedures and aims to demonstrate the unity of the six pieces as a general form. The research on the tonalities of the six pieces shows three groups, each made up of two pieces; looking at the final cadences of each piece other clues are discovered. Consolation V — which was the first to be composed — is very important for the general structure of the collection.
Finally, we put the question as to whether the musical language of each Consolation is consistent with that of the other pieces of the collection if they are analysed from other points of view besides those of classical harmony. 

Keywords: Franz Liszt, Consolations S172, form and structure, Schenkerian analysis, continuous ^3, neo-Riemannian theory