Imago Musicae Visualizza ingrandito

Über das Händel-Porträt aus dem Besitz von Charles Burney

Edenda curavit
Björn R. Tammen
cum Antonio Baldassarre, Cristina Bordas, Gabriela Currie, Nicoletta Guidobaldi
atque Philippe Vendrix
Founding editor 1984–2013: Tilman Seebass


Maggiori dettagli

Autore Thomas Tolley
Collana Imago Musicae
Dimensioni 18.5×26.5, pp. 227 (161-213)
Anno 2018
ISBN 9788870969528

The main goal of the present contribution is to identify and trace back a portrait of George Frederick Handel formerly owned by music historian Charles Burney. The oil painting, attributed in Burney’s will to a certain “Wolfgang,” later described in a 1789 London newspaper advertisement, subsequently seemed to have been lost. William C. Smith, one of the foremost experts on Handel iconography, traced its location back to the 1870s without having seen it himself. The painting resurfaced, however, in 1892 in Vienna where it was exhibited at the Internationale Ausstellung für Musik- und Theaterwesen among Great Britain’s contributions. The catalogue mentions Harry E. Smith from London as the owner; as part of his estate, it was auctioned in 1928 and purchased by English Handel biographer Newman Flower, from whose estate it passed to the banker Gerald Coke. Since 1996, it has been one of the prized holdings of the Gerald Coke Handel Collection at London’s Foundling Museum. A miniature painted by Georg Andreas Wolffgang the Younger in 1737 (Royal  Collection, Windsor Castle) proves to be the model for the “half-length Picture of Handel, painted by Wolfgang [sic]“ that Charles Burney initially mentioned in his will.

AUTHOR: Universität Hamburg, Institut für historische Musikwissenschaft, Neue Rabenstraße 13, 20354 Hamburg, Germany; <>.