Il nuovo catalogo delle opere di Luigi Gatti Visualizza ingrandito

La musica da camera per flauto dell’abate Luigi Gatti

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Autore Mariateresa Dellaborra
Collana Studi e Saggi
N. 2
Dimensioni 17×24 cm, pp. XVIII+259
Anno 2017
ISBN 9788870969115

While Luigi Gatti’s vocal repertory, both sacred and operatic, has so far held a certain interest for scholars at least, if not for performers, his chamber music was virtually unknown and neglected. Yet Gatti’s instrumental repertory is of indubitable interest not only for the forms he engaged with—ranging from duo to septet—and for his choice of variously combined instrumental timbres, but especially for its chronological positioning and even more for its stylistic peculiarities. Analysis of the forms and identification of their characteristics constitute the basis for comparison with contemporary Italian and non-Italian works, particularly those of Mozart, enabling us to establish a more accurate and complete assessment of the composer.